1) WEF Now Suggest Seniors off Themselves “For the Children”
***Wow, Christine Lagarde just said this out loud, read the article. Nothing should surprise us anymore. If you think the depopulation agenda isn't real and there aren't people who think there should be less people on earth, then you are blind. This is real and it appears over the last couple years that the stage has been set in tricking you to believe it's ok to kill off living people for the better of all the other younger and healthier ones, you know, like the WEF's advertisement that says by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy about it.***
- https://trendingpolitics.com/wef-now-suggest-seniors-off-themselves-for-the-children-dodii/
- https://trendingpolitics.com/wef-now-suggest-seniors-off-themselves-for-the-children-dodii/
***and see these WEF predictions below, almost could be our play book to follow if we want to see what will happen in the future because they appear to make them come true.***
- https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/8-predictions-for-the-world-in-2030
***And this one where a Young Global Leader from the WEF wrote this future article...***
***And for the final one on this topic, let's look at a "fact checker" piece that states that the WEF does not have a stated goal to won nothing and be happy about it by 2030. Really? That was your fact checking piece to make people think the thing that has been started and openly on the WEF web site isn't a stated goal, maybe by technicality, maybe, but obviously that is what they want. They are putting things out there like in a psy-op method of getting you to believe something and finally accept it. You really need to get the full picture before believing an article like the one below from Reuters that has been "fact checked". Just so you know, this Substack post has been Fact Checked. See, there it is, just because I said it, it's truth. LOL***
2) Beyond a Slush Fund, Biden $33 Billion Ukraine Package Includes $8.8 Billion to Establish State Dept Global Disinformation Bureau, and International Civil Asset Forfeiture
***Is this one of those ways that you will own nothing and be happy about it, by illegal seizure but you'll be told it's for your best interest? I jest a little there, but if they can do this on a grand scale like the above article, why couldn't they do it on a smaller scale in the future?***
3) We Roe, We Wade, We Sink Into Charade. Welcome to the new current thing
***Ok, sit back and do a little critical thinking. I'm not going to address the obvious evils of abortion, murder, so let's address what is happening in real time. This article points out that it is a little impossible to have a group of protestors at the supreme court steps, with home made signs, some laminated, some printed only 2 hours after the "leak". Was it really an accidental leak or was it planned? Accidents like this don't just happen. There are checks and balances in place to prevent things like this. It seems every week or so that there is some new thing on the block that causes division amongst this nation and it's people. WAKE UP people, it's time you break out of the slumber and trance you have been put in. If not, that's ok because you'll never know you were in the first place.***
4) Pfizer has been found guilty of Negligence, Fraud and Bribery over the past two decades; Why should we trust them now?
***On last nights post I commented on the Pfizer specifically and the corruption within that company. This article shows that corruption. You be the judge if you still want to trust such companies with injecting chemicals into your body and if they really have your best interest at heart, or is it the money they follow at all costs even if it's human lives?***
5) International Energy Agency demands Worldwide Lockdowns to meet Climate Goals
***Don't be surprised by anything these days. The WEF and other global leaders will someday use climate change to do more harm to the country and world Like covid, the lockdowns and other rules needed to address climate change will be implemented and continue the suppression of people and nations.
6) Bill Gates Calls for WHO to Create Pandemic Division
***Riigghhtt, just what we need is Bill Gates to help form more government agencies costing tax payers billions of dollars all so that he gains more power and money for himself. Too bad people don't realize what this guy is all about and who he really is and what his agenda is.***
7) Biosecurity grooming. There's no stopping progress. Not even in Russia
***Think this issues of bi-security, monitoring individuals will go away? Nope, it's here to stay unfortunately and all in the name of safety and security.***
8) Biden Slams MAGA, Claim’s It’s The ‘Most Extreme Political Organization In American History’
***You can't have unity with words and actions such as Biden has continuously spued in anger and discriminatory hatred towards certain people.***
9) Rules are for thee, not for me! Hypocrisy was the name of the game and our health overlords were just full of it.
***I don't know why some people even make excuses for those people.***
10) PCR test fraud & how Pfizer used this sensitive 'over-cycled' test with a 97% false-positive rate to defraud the US & the world, to work with FDA to get EUA based on 8 vaccine and 162 placebo events
***These tests are the basis of the covid emergency, lockdowns, shots, hospital protocols, the trillions of dollars spent by the government and many more rules. Once you realize that base was built on sand and had washed away early on, the rest of the last two years was nothing but junk science, oppression and tyranny from the ruling class.***
***And another article to go along with the above...***
11) Checking in on the Zero-Covidians. Corona eradicationist Yaneer Bar-Yam has gone mad.
***Some follow the covid religion a little too closely. If you take a close look at it, it really does almost follow a religion, they even have their 5 pillars of preventative measures that should have, according to them, been followed religiously.
12) Homeland Security's "Disinformation Board" is Even More Pernicious Than it Seems. The power to decree what is "disinformation" now determines what can and cannot be discussed on the internet. It is now in the hands of trained disinformation agents of the U.S. Security State.
***Here is another good take on Biden's new disinformation board. Come on people, wake up and smell the coffee. How can you rightly give a government control over what you say is truth of fiction, and not expect it to go badly? What would happen when a republican like Trump, or Trump, takes over the office and then all the liberals are then crying that the misinformation board needs to be dissembled? Hypocrisy at it's finest.***